If you’re planning to visit Uganda, on your vacation, here
are some of the words use/slangs which are commonly used. These words and
phrases are regarded as informal but are commonly and widely used in Uganda to
communicate to a particular group of people, community or context of people
.Many of these words are well spread across country
The definition of the  word “Muzungu”
word Muzungu comes from Kiswahili, where ‘zungu’ is the word for spinning
around on the same spot. That dizzy lost look was perfected by the first white
people arriving in East Africa – or so the story goes – and Ugandans haven’t
stopped laughing at us yet!
The meaning of the word Mzungu or
According to WikipediaMzungu is the southern, central
and eastern African term for a person of foreign descent. Literally translated
it means “someone who roams around aimlessly” or “aimless wanderer” (from
the Swahili and Ganda words). It’s now commonly used in most Bantu
languages of East, Central and Southern Africa, especially in Kenya, Tanzania,
Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia.
Wachizungu or Bachizungu are literally
‘things of the aimless wanderers’ and have come to mean Western culture,
lifestyle and cuisine. Anyone who looks like they are from outside East Africa/Africa
is called a Muzungu
you’re a white person coming to Uganda, get used to it: this is a way of
greeting a white man in Uganda you will have this greeting running through your
brain from morning until night as you move around Uganda.
Like it or love it, if you are
muzungu, you stand out like a sore thumb. Children and
groups of excited kids/pupils will cheer you from the sidelines and screaming
at you,
Muzungu! Bye!
may think you’re the first white person these kids have ever seen, but that’s
probably not the case, Muzungu bye means “bye bye”  kids they keep on waving at you saying
muzungu bye even if its their first time to see u
If you’re a muzungu in Uganda, these
are some of the words and phrases you shold use and look Ugandan don’t feel
shame to talk or ascent you will make instant friends

As always
it is a culture to great any where in the world even in Uganda we do great
people politely and gentle. In the morning you may great “Wasuze otya”   Good
Morning he or she will reply you with Bulungi meaning good and fine.
Good afternoon or Good Evening:
Osiibye otya, this is used to great you in the evening or afternoon hours
Their also other
greetings depending on day or night
§  Hi:  Ki kati the
ki is pronounced Chi
§  How are you?: 
Oli Otya
§  The answer is -I am
ok: Gyendi the G here is pronounced like a J”
§  Have nice day: 
Siiba bulungi 
§   when going to bed or leaving for the night we
say  Sula bulungi meaning good night
§  : Weeraba means  goodbye to one person in plural we say mweraba
  • OK:  Kale
  • No thanks: 
  • I do not
    know:  Simanye
  • What time is
    it?:  Sawa mmeka?
  • How much is
    it?:  Ssente Mmekka?
  • I do not have
    any money: Sirina Sente
  • I love you:
  • I am:  Nze
    (your name)
§  Thank you: 
§  Thank you very
much:  Weebale Nnyo
§  Please come in: 
§  Excuse me in order to
get someone’s attention:  Owange
§  Please sit
down:  Tuula wansi
§  Pardon me, what did
you say?:  Wangi or Ogamby Ki?
§  apologize by saying I
am sorry:  Nsonyiwa

Addressing People:
§  Madam: Nyabo
§  Sir:  Ssebo
§  Mr. Mwami
§  Mrs Mukyala
Sharing your
Ndi means I am
§  angry:  ndi
§  cold:  mpulira
§  am full:  ndi
§  happy:  ndi
§  hot:  mpulira
§  hungry:  Enjala
§  sad:  ndi
§  scared: ntidde
§  sick:  ndi
§  thirsty: 
ennyonta ennuma
§  tired:  nkooye
§  worried: ndi
§  I like:  Njagala
§  I do not like:
§  Muyaye,This
refers to a non-formal person who is so much into illegal stuff, wants the
extra tip. It can be used to mean someone "sharp". Muyaye is the
singular form and Abayaye in the plural.
§  Kiwani, This
was their and people were using it but later was most popularized by a local
singer and now Bobi Wine A.K.A (Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu) who is now Member
of Parliament. This came after the hit song titled Kiwani in 2007.This is used
to mean a lie/Fake/Duplicated.
§  Twegweko,
It means let's link up some other time .
§  Kyali,
This is used to mean Friend, colleague, brother."Oyo guy kyali wange
literally meaning that guy is my friend.
§  Majje,
this is a recent slang that was invented by singer Ziza Bafana. It has a close
meaning to Kyali (friend) but it is mostly used to mean someone with a similar
character. For example, if I know of someone that loves hanging out a lot
he/she definitely becomes a Majje...

Majje in the right manner means the Army.

Deemu simply means Girlfriend, wife etc 
§  Loo,
It's a word means strong willing/braveness to act...For example if someone is
quick to start a fight, can walk alone in the wee hours of the night, can
approach any girl with no fear ...etc 
§  Sala
pressure tis word was invented by singer Mun G. It’s hidden meaning is go slow
or hold something with care.
§  Beelamu,
This means to be sharp. For example, if I said Gwe man ‘Belaamu’ it literally
meaning please be sharp, attentive or coordinate.
§  Mu Kinti,
Refers to someone who is a better financial position or in a decision making
position. This word was mostly used to describe the people who are working with
government more the presidential tribe mates who used to say we’re in power


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